Occupational Health Society of Australia Inc.


The Occupational Health Society of Australia Inc. is a not-for-profit representative body providing expert advice to Government at all levels and support to OHS professionals. 

Incorporated in 1978, the Occupational Health Society of Australia Inc. is a non-profit association.

The Society provides a forum for the wide range of disciplines engaged in the occupational health profession.

The aims of the Society are :

i.         to develop effective occupational health practices;
ii. to encourage awareness by individuals, organisations, and other bodies, of the role of occupational health;
iii. to provide a forum for professional contact between persons interested in and working in occupational health;
iv. to express an independent, professional viewpoint on all aspects of occupational health considered desirable in the public interest;
v. to seek the improvement of an extension of the existing legislation for the promotion of safety and health at work in order to ensure uniform principles are applied in all occupational activities.



Membership Application

Please complete the Membership Application  and return if you wish to become a member of the Society.

Once approved, an invoice will be sent for the annual membership fee:

$50 Ordinary Membership (includes Monitor newsletter)

$20 Student Membership (includes Monitor newsletter)

$100 Corporate Membership (includes Monitor newsletter)