
Work Health and Safety Remote Location Refresher

RRP $140 incl GST*

*The RRP can vary depending on what course materials each trainer supplies. Requests for receipts for taxation purposes must be directed to the training provider.

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National Training Package

The Work Health and Safety Induction underpins the unit of competency RIIOHS201A Work safely and follow OH&S policies and procedures which is a core unit of competency from the nationally accredited RII09 Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package.  This course, however, is not nationally accredited as MARCSTA is not an RTO.


To be eligible for this option candidates must have:

  • A current MARCSTA or be within 90 days renewal period allowed
  • Knowledge of the relevant Occupational Safety and Health legislation


MARCSTA currently offer the option for candidates to refresh their Work Health and Safety Induction card every two years by attending a half day refresher program with a nominated MARCSTA Provider.

It has become evident, however, that some candidates are unable to complete the refresher program due to being located in remote areas.  In this circumstance, MARCSTA have introduced an option of completing a written assessment for refreshing the Work Health and Safety Induction.

MARCSTA has two goals in providing this alternative refresher option:

  1. To recognise that some candidates require alternative arrangements for their refresher due to remote locations and inaccessibility of access to a MARCSTA provider.
  2. To enable candidates to maintain their Work Health and Safety Induction to ensure compliance with Occupational Safety and Health requirements.

The Refresher Program requires candidates to achieve an 80% pass mark.

If you are interested in pursuing this option download the Remote Refresher Assessment Conditions prior to making an application.  If you require further information contact MARCSTA directly on (08) 9355 1400 or email

There is a fee (see top right) for the processing, marking and issuing of the MARCSTA card on successful completion of the assessment.

Remote Refresher Assessment Conditions
Remote Refresher Application Form